Last time, I said we would look at how my Photography helps my Art and Visa-versa, however, being a fluid, flexible, creative spirit this blog will look at a journey of one of my latest creations. This will more than likely be a two -part blog due to the intricacies of the creation.
Each morning, I am awoken with 3 images in my head, each image relates to a different creation, so far that's surmounting to around 60 - 100 creations. Why 60 - 100? Well, that's because some of those images will probably produce more than one creation based around that image theme.
The images received, either during my dreams, upon waking or through meditation usually determine the theme and composition. The latest creation demonstrates this well. The initial images was Elephants and lotus flowers and the theme being suggested by these was one of an Indian based theme. When starting this creation, the flow or where it was going was uncertain. Maybe it was going to have some Intricate Indian patterns, from fabrics and Henna tattoos but the actual detail hadn't been decided.
One thing I was aware of was that the process would be long, detail was definitely going to be included and it would be a challenge. So far the journey with this creation hasn't disappointed me during its discovery and unveiling stage.
The background colour had been determined by the time I was ready to begin painting. The process between seeing the imagery in my mind to its discovery and journey on Canvas can take anything from a day to a maximum of 3 weeks - it's almost like waiting for a green light on the road. Once ready the process of start to paint on canvas to absolute tools down can be quite quick - average time two days. However, it's not unusual for this second phase to take even longer.
'Getting precious' on a creation can often delay its finality. This means I have started to over think and the whole holistic approach has been lost at that moment. So, I quite literally, "Step away from the Canvas" and distract myself with other worldly matters. I have one such painting I have quite literally stepped away from for over a year now and its getting closer to re-approach the painting again.
The 'preparation' phase is where I allow the imagery to play in my mind, it's like a pre-painting stage and my mind is the canvas, the joy with this is that erasing the composition is very easy. It plays out like a dance or a film in my mind, creating and changing along the way.
The state of 'readiness' is at the point where putting brush and paint to canvas is at its optimum moment. This state of 'readiness' is where the images have fully formed in my head and are bursting to get out. At this point, I'm usually at my most excited but also at my most nervous. It's time for the imagination to come out and play, dance upon the canvas and reveal itself in all its full glory.
To settle in, I put on some music and get into a rhythm whilst painting the background. In many ways I feel like a director of a play, awaiting for all the characters to come forth and play out the scene before me. At the same time, I never know how it will end or what twists will occur but the evolution of the creation is a fascinating process to go through.
So, now to looking at that evolution of the latest creation, starting with the Elephants and the Lotus Flower:
Here you can see the red background, the placement of the marked out Elephants within the lines of a Golden Lotus Flower |
From the picture above, the shape of the elephants and how they will look are quite undefined, it was more just to gather the flow and placement at this stage. The Lotus Flower, although an outline at the moment may indeed change at a latter stage. This creation was actually started on the 1st October 2010. In fact it took two days from doing the red background and the Lotus Flower design to adding the Elephants, so this picture was taken on 3rd October 2010.
Once the Elephants had been marked in then I was ready to add a bit more definition to the Elephants:
Elephants more defined |
Here, the idea was to give me an idea of some movement and position of each Elephant and definition to their tusks, to allow for further development and intricate detail to be added to the Elephants face, trunk, body and feet.
Adding a little pomp and circumstance to the Elephants was tricky, however it was important to get quite a bit of detail in |
By this stage, the gold was becoming more prominent, as well as pale yellows and orange, however there needed to be a bright stark yet complimentary colour to all of these, to help bring 'punch' to the Elephants, so using an Aqua colour felt like the best choice - a delicate yet pleasant on the eye and in line with the rest of the composition.
When painting holistically - it's being drawn by what pulls you the greatest, what 'sits' well and intuitively going with that flow. Knowing something needed to be placed in the middle yet at the same time being unsure what delayed the creation once more. Again the idea of the Lotus Flower repeated was a big pull yet it also needed a difference. It was then the idea of using Peacocks in all their glory came to the forefront.
Peacocks are beautiful creatures, however, I am normally weary of using Peacocks or their feathers based on the old tale of they are 'Bad Luck', what I discovered by way of an Internet search is that they are actually not considered a 'bad omen' in India and they just happen to be India's national bird. So, the idea of the Peacock fitted with the current theme beautifully.
There is also a story in India, the god Murugan is often accompanied by a peacock. Murugan is a popular diety in the foothills of Western Tamil Madu. He is identified with Skanda, Shiva's son. Skanda's brother is Ganesha (although legend says Shiva was not his "real" father), the Elephant god. Muragan rides a peacock. Murugan is popular as a "clan" or family god. Skanda, as Skanda-Karitkeya, and Murugan both rode peacocks. Murugan's brother was Ayyappan. They were both sons of Shiva.
So, with this in mind the Peacocks would form the petals of the Lotus Flower:
Peacocks, unfinished added to as Lotus Flower petals to the centre |
The centre still felt empty, so it needed something extra, yet at the same town adding further Lotus Flowers may possibly destroy the composition, so far, so time to think about an Indian pattern, also for some reason the need for some squareness to be added:
The full view with the intricate Indian pattern in the centre |
Closer view of the pattern |
Choosing the colours almost became a 'precious' moment, thankfully it didnt and so using the Aqua colour on the Elephants, the yellow, orange and now introducing some copper colouring. At this stage, I noted that some tidying up needed to be done in certain areas, as well as finishing off the peacocks.
This last photo was taken on 5th October 2010, so its taken five days to get this far and there is still a long way to go. It was at this stage a rest was needed t think about next steps.